Mangar Elk

Mangar Elk Lifting Cushion Cushion

The Elk (Emergency Lifting Cushion) is an innovative air powered cushion designed to lift a fallen person from the floor. It reduces the risk of injury associated with manual handling while maintaining the fallen persons dignity.


  • Reduce the risk of injury associated with manual handling
  • Helps a carer to lift fallen, but uninjured, persons safely and easily while maintaining their dignity
  • Can be used in restricted or remote locations where other lifting equipment may be impractical or unavailable
  • Easily portable for use on excursions etc.
  • Lifts up to 450kgs
  • Powered by a small battery-operated portable air-supply
  • Compact for easy storage
  • Airflow Plus included
Mangar ELK
Mangar ELK
Mangar ELK
Mangar ELK

Like to know more?

Contact us today for more information about the Mangar Elk Lifting Cushion and/or after sales support.