AlbacMat Emergency Rescue Mat
The AlbacMat is an affordable evacuation tool for Hospitals and Nursing Homes.
The AlbacMat can be put quickly to use to remove patients from a dangerous situation e.g. Fire.
The Polypropylene board enables the AlbacMat to ‘glide’ over surfaces (including carpet), minimising the effort required by rescuers to evacuate patients.
In extreme cases two people may be required to pull a patient, however the AlbacMat encourages one person per patient.
This potentially halves the time taken to evacuate a facility.
The polypropylene board acts an insulator to the patient, absorbing the concussion of travel and is also heat resistant to 85 degrees Celsius—making it safe to use in extreme heat
- Tapered for patient comfort
- Easily accessible dual straps for securing the patient
- Fluorescent yellow straps for detection in dim lighting
- Foot rest pocket for the comfort and security of the patient
- Simple instructions are clearly visible on the self storage pocket
- Three separate handles for individual rescuer's requirements
- Insulated board provides patient protection from uncomfortable surfaces
- Patient can remain on the AlbacMat until the danger has passed and still be treated if required
- Handles provide excellent control on staircases
- Compact design makes storage easy